Judeo/Christian Contents

Monday, June 20, 2016

The Good News Midrash

The Sanhedrin were known by the designation, 'The Eyes of the community.'

- Jewish Midrash Song 4

There are certain things which seek ascendancy over one another. Thus the mighty deep is overshadowed by the high ground, and the mountains are still higher.

- Midrash Ecclesiastes 7

TRIANGLE DOWN: 'The mighty deep'
TRIANGLE UP: 'the high ground, and the mountains are still higher'

When no justice is done here below, it will be executed from above.

- Jewish Midrash, Deuteronomy Rabba 5

TRIANGLE DOWN:  'Done here below'
TRIANGLE UP: 'Will be executed from above'

A Bunch of Animal Talmudika

If one sees a Donkey in a dream, he may hope for salvation, as it says, 'Behold thy king cometh unto thee, he is triumphant and victorious, lowly and riding upon a Donkey.'

- Babylonian Talmud, Berakoth 56b

 If one sees a Lion in his dream he should rise early and say: 'The lion hath roared, who will not fear?' before another verse occurs to him, 'A Lion has gone up from his hiding place.' 

- Babylonian Talmud, Berakoth 56b

 If one sees an Ox in a dream, he should rise early and say: 'His first-born bullock, majesty is his', before another verse occurs to him: 'When an Ox gores a man.'

- Babylonian Talmud, Berakoth 56b

If one sees a Dog in his dream, he should rise early and say: 'Yet against any of the children of Israel, not even one Dog shall lick his tongue', before another verse occurs to him: 'Yea, the Dogs are greedy.'

- Babylonian Talmud, Berakoth 56b

The Serpent breeds and casts her young upon the inhabitants of the town,

- The Babylonian Talmud, Kethuboth 49b

Rabbi Eleazar was asked by his disciples: 'Why does a Dog know its owner while a Cat does not?' He answered them: 'If he who eats something of that from which a Mouse has eaten loses his memory, how much more so the animal which eats the Mouse itself!'

- The Babylonian Talmud, Horayoth 13a

Rabbi Eleazar was asked by his disciples: 'Why do all persecute the Mice?' - Because of their bad nature. 'What exactly do they do?' Raba replied: 'They gnaw even at clothes.'

- The Baylonian Talmud, Horayoth 13a

If one sees an Ox in a dream, he should rise early and say: 'His first-born bullock, majesty is his',  before another verse occurs to him: 'If an Ox gores a man.'

- Babylonian Talmud, Berakoth 56b

Rabbi Papa observed: 'The Weasel and Cat, when at peace with each other, had a feast on the fat of the unlucky.'

- The Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 105a

Rabbi Eleazar was asked by his disciples: ‘Why does a Dog know its owner while a Cat does not?’ He answered them: 'If an animal who eats something from which a Mouse has already eaten loses his memory, think how much more memory they would lose if they ate the Mouse itself!'

- The Babylonian Talmud, Horayoth 13a

Jewish Law Prohibits Castration of any Male Animal (or Human)

Ben Zoma was asked: 'Is it permitted to castrate a Dog?' He replied: "'Neither shall you do this in  your land', - this means, to no one (including a Dog) that is in your land shall you do this to."

- Babylonian Talmud, Chagigah 14b

Lucky Dog!