Judeo/Christian Contents

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Judeo-Christian: A Ten Commandments for the Common Man

Fear God and keep His Commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

- Ecclesiastes 12:13

A Ten Commandments for the Common Man

The following set of Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments have been written for the sake of the common man and for the benefit of the average Judeo-Christian believer. It is to be hoped that these essential God-given laws prove relevant enough to last throughout the third, and as many believe, final millennium of Christianity. As the 20th century clearly showed, it is the Ten Commandments, more than any other set of laws, that keeps the Beast and Satan from taking over modern civilization as it did in Germany when Adolph Hitler and the Nazis managed to seize control of the country in order to implement their Pagan/Satanic policies against the Jews. One must remember that, like Friedrich Nietzsche had already done in his philosophy of Nihilism, Hitler openly and proudly spoke against the ten Commandments. Here just three of his quotes dating back to the 1930s and well before World War II had even begun:

I. The day will come when I shall hold up against these (Ten) Commandments the tables of a new law. And history will recognize our movement as the great battle for humanity's liberation, a liberation from the curse of Mount Sinai.

II. This is what we are fighting against: the masochistic spirit of self-torment, the curse of so-called morals, idolized to protect the weak from the strong...Against the so-called Ten Commandments, against them we are fighting.

III. The Ten Commandments have lost their validity…Conscience is a Jewish invention. It is a blemish like circumcision.

- Adolph Hitler (Hitler Speaks, by Herman Rauschning)

Remember, the original Ten Commandments were given directly to all 12 tribes of Israel at Mt. Sinai by the LORD God Himself who spoke to them with a voice that rumbled like thunder. This intimate contact with the Divine terrified the ancient Israelites so they pleaded with Moses to tell God not to speak to them anymore, but to only speak with him. This frightening encounter with God atop Mt. Sinai isn't the only thing that makes the Ten Commandments a very unique, and extremely important, set of laws. Here are the main reasons why the Ten Commandments represent a historical singularity that has yet to be duplicated or improved upon:

+ They were the first set of laws given to Israel after the LORD God freed them from Egyptian slavery.

+ They were spoken in a voice of thunder (God's native language)

+ They were written on two stone tablets by God, rather than Moses.

+ They were placed in the Ark of the Covenant, a legendary gold-plated chest with supernatural powers.

+ They were temporarily stolen by the Philistines, but managed to topple and destroy their god called Dagon.

+ They were reiterated by Rabbi Joshua (Jesus) in the Gospels as the laws believers must obey to be saved.

+ They were seen, and continue to be seen, by many of the greatest thinkers in the world as the work of pure genius.

+ They were, and still are, a perfect manifestation of the natural laws of mankind found in every culture world-wide.

+ They were the cornerstone of European Civilization (Christendom) and are the foundations of all modern law.

As the Church has stated throughout the many centuries since the days of Rabbi Joshua (Jesus) the Ten Commandments continues to be binding upon all baptized Christians today. Indeed, a careful reading of the Gospels, along with a basic knowledge of ancient history, clearly indicate the profound importance the Hebrew people placed upon these initial Ten Commandments. Given the enduring popularity and continued prosperity of these Old Testament laws over the past 2,000 years, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost appear to be unanimous in their agreement that the Ten Commandments are to be obeyed until the Second Coming of Joshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and perhaps even beyond.

The Judeo-Christian While some Protestant and/or Jewish readers may object to the Catholic Ten Commandment system used below, the Church has always been willing to admit that different numbering systems have existed throughout the many centuries since Moses actually held the Two Tablets in his hands. Needless to say, all the different methods still add up to 10 Commandments overall. What follows is a simple, basic version of the Judeo-Christian Tradition's Ten Commandments deliberately intended for the average reader and/or believer. Expert scholars and theologians who complain about today's astonishing lack of Biblical literacy among the Church masses need to realize how badly-written many English-language Bibles truly are. The common man, or woman, does not appreciate having to decipher the Holy Bible's often complex and, in some cases, very confusing use of the English language. This includes the terminology of numerous different versions of the Ten Commandments as well. Hopefully, what follows will be a little easier to comprehend and far more suitable in instructing all believers in their actual meaning:

The Ten Commandments in Roman Numerals

The Common Man's Ten Commandments

I. YHVH is the LORD your God. You will not worship any other god.

II. You will not use the name of the LORD your God in vain.

III. You will not profane the Sabbath day, but keep it holy.

IV. You will not dishonor either your father or your mother.

V. You will not kill.

VI. You will not commit adultery

VII. You will not steal.

VIII. You will not lie.

IX. You will not envy another man's wife.

X. You will not envy another man's property.

The Name of the LORD in Hebrew

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above use of the LORD God's Divine and Sacred Name as seen in the First Commandment was considered appropriate only because of the profound importance the Judeo-Christian tradition places upon the Ten Commandments. Just recently, the Holy Roman Catholic Church has released a policy statement informing all Catholics that the Name of the LORD should never be pronounced by either Jews, or Christians, and should only be written down (with reverence and utmost respect) in tandem with important and essential documents, such as the First Commandment. This is in keeping with the ancient tradition of the Second Commandment that specifically warns against any frivolous, repetitive, or arrogant use of the Name of the LORD God, as written previously. All things considered, the Judeo-Christian tradition strongly discourages the use of the Divine four-letter name of God at any time and for any reason.

May the LORD God bless you in the name of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

The Two Tablets of the Ten Commandments

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May the LORD God bless you in the name of Saint Judas Maccabaeus.