Judeo/Christian Contents

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why Do Some Americans call Obama, an Authentic Black American Christian, a Muslim?

Our law is by definition a codification of morality, much of it grounded in the Judeo/Christian Tradition.

- Barack Obama
In many ways, the election of a black man, Barack Obama, as the most powerful leader in the world indicates that the Judeo/Christian doctrine of universal brotherhood has finally managed to emerge triumphant after a very scary, and completely evil previous century that threatened the very foundations of Christianity. At the same time, a great many of Obama's public statements have been infused with the inspirational and moral certainty that originates with his faith in Christianity.

 QUESTION #1) If Obama was really Muslim, why would a Jewish journalist ever write an entire essay calling him 'the first Jewish President'???

Unfortunately, there appears to be a substantial percentage of citizens that truly despise this happy-go lucky, modest, and very normal young American black man. It is true that their diabolical power and influence continues to diminish year after year as more and more black and white Americans fall in love, get married and then have children. Even so, they have still managed to greatly confuse many God-fearing Americans, especially white, Protestant Christians, about Obama's religious faith and beliefs. This sordid affair all began when Obama, an unknown Senator from Chicago, emerged as victor of the Democratic party primaries and was then chosen as the Democratic candidate for President. Almost immediately, vicious rumors of him being a secret Muslim believer began circulating. As one reporter wrote:

Of the many rumors that have dogged President Barack Obama the most persistent one has been the “question” of his faith....The question is why has this rumor proven to be so tenacious and who is behind its propagation. 
Sad as it is, the American media, including some of its most prominent newspapers and television, spent literally months publishing absolutely fictitious news reports and articles about Obama's possible Muslim faith, broadcasting this vile falsehood to millions upon millions of American viewers and listeners. 


I'd say, probably, intellectually I've drawn as much from Judaism as any other faith.

- President Barack Obama 
QUESTION #2) Would an actual Muslim believer in Allah every say Judaism was one of his major intellectual influence???


Most of the reporters and journalist responsible for this white-racist inspired defamation of President Obama have yet to apologize or to even acknowledge their mistake. The President, obviously comfortable in his Christian faith, responds to these outrageous, and deeply paranoid, beliefs with calm nobility. As one news source summarizes:

The President in his usual Spock-like, calm recently addressed the mistaken beliefs (that he is a Muslim)...on “NBC Nightly News” blaming the “confusion” over his religious beliefs on “a network of misinformation that a new media era can get churned out there constantly.”

As it turns out, the original source of this rumor may well have been partially fueled by Republican political operatives (and possibly white racists) who were vehemently opposed to having Obama, a black man, as President of the United States. As one journalist puts it:

Labeling the President a Muslim also shows the racism and xenophobia of the Right. The Right has constantly attempted to make Obama appear to be strange and foreign; they have constantly attempted to make the aura around him appear to be dark and dangerous simply.  They have done this simply because he is Black.  He’s the Antichrist, a Muslim, the “other,”...because he is not White....This is why (there are)...questions about his religion. 

QUESTION #3) Would any genuine Islamic believer ever pray at the Western Wall???

Indeed, it may well be the ugly specter of white racism behind one of the greatest lies ever told in American politics- that Barack Obama is actually a anti-Christian Muslim believer, and a secret follower of the Prophet Mohammad. Here are the actual statistics from three independent news sources:

+ A Pew Research poll in August (2010) revealed 'that one in five Americans falsely believe the president is a Muslim, more than thought so last year'.
+ In a poll by Newsweek, 12 percent of voters incorrectly believe he's Muslim; more than a quarter believe he was raised in a Muslim home.
+ A Time Magazine poll found that 24 percent of Americans believe Obama is a Muslim, rather than a Christian.

 QUESTION #4) Would a loyal follower of the Prophet Mohammad ever celebrate Hanukkah???

Given the highly-advanced, and extremely powerful, nation of today's America, It is somewhat frightening how many of its adult citizens who vote can continue to believe in a total lie for years after it has been proven wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt. Tragically, this completely incorrect and easily verifiable falsehood continues to haunt a President who is just as Christian as George W. Bush, more Christian than Bill Clinton, and far more Christian than either George F. W. Bush or Ronald Reagan ever were. In fact, Barack Obama's continued public display of Christian faith, especially his habits of quoting the Bible and frequently referring to Jesus Christ by name, is living proof that he truly is a Christian President. Here are just a few selected quotes form his public speeches:

As somebody who relies heavily on my Christian faith in my job, I understand the passions that religious faith can raise.

- President Barack Obama

(The story of Jesus' birth) that we are called to love each other as we love ourselves, that we are our brother's keeper and our sister's keeper, and our destinies are linked...It's a message that guides my Christian faith.

- President Barack Obama

(We can) see God in other people and do our best to help them find their, you know, their own grace...So that's what I strive to do...That's what I pray to do everyday. I think my public service is part of that effort to express my Christian faith.

- President Barack Obama

I found myself drawn - not just to work with the church but to be in the church...It was through this service that I was brought to Christ.

- President Barack Obama, University of Notre Dame, May 17 2010

 QUESTION #5) Instead of accusing Obama of being Muslim, how come no one claims he is a secret Jew???

The fact of the matter is that, regardless of Barack Obama's politics, some of which are in opposition to traditional Christian doctrines, he is still an authentic, genuine Christian believer who has been properly baptized by an ordained Christian minister and attended Christian Sabbath on a weekly basis for over 20 years before running for President. Obama's Christianity is undeniable and, in the end, sincere and factual.


QUESTION #1) If Obama was really Muslim, why would a Jewish journalist ever write an entire essay calling him 'the first Jewish President'???  
QUESTION #2) Would an actual Muslim believer in Allah ever say that Judaism was one of his major intellectual influence???  
QUESTION #3) Would any genuine Islamic believer ever pray at the Western Wall???
QUESTION #4) Would a loyal follower of the Prophet Mohammad ever celebrate Hanukkah???
QUESTION #5) Instead of accusing Obama of being Muslim, how come no one claims he is a secret Jew??? 
THE ANSWER TO QUESTION #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5) Because every single one of the people who call Obama a Muslim are white, and obviously racist, yet too cowardly to say the 'N' word (the racist derivative of Negro), so they say the 'M' word (Muslim, an adherent to Islam) instead and get away with their ignorant white racist hate-mongering yet again.


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